
What Is an Heir?

An heir is a person who is legally entitled to inherit all or a portion of the estate of a deceased person who died int…

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What Is Intestate, Definition

Intestate refers to passing away without a will . When a person dies intestate, it is the responsibility of the state&#…

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What Is a Holographic Will?

An alternative to a will drafted by an attorney is something called a holographic will, which is a document that is ha…

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What Is a Trust?

A trust is a fiduciary relationship in which one party, the trustor, grants the trustee the right to hold title to pro…

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What is a Revocable Beneficiary?

A beneficiary designation that can be changed at any time does not confer any automatic rights to compensation from an …

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What is an Executor

The executor of an estate is the individual designated to administer the deceased person's last will and testament…

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What Is a Quitclaim Deed?

A quitclaim deed is a document that releases a person's interest in a piece of property. This release does not spe…

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