Registration Documents needed while buying property

Anbarasan Appavu

The purchase of a home is the most important choice that many investors will make in their lifetime. Making such a substantial financial commitment and investment is once in a lifetime experience for the vast majority of investors. As a result of this, it is essential to ensure that the documentation of this event is in order.

In this article, we will take a look at a few significant documents, some of which need to be registered in order to avoid any legal hassles in the foreseeable future.

Property Registration Documents

Sale deed:

This is the most significant piece of paper associated with the purchase of a property. This serves as evidence that the property in question has been sold and that ownership has been transferred. Before the sale can be considered finalised, the sale deed needs to be signed or otherwise executed by both the buyer and the seller. After ensuring that the property in question has a clean legal standing, you should only sign the sale deed at that point. The deed of sale is the most comprehensive type of deed because it includes information about the buyer, seller, location of property, area, sale consideration, and other relevant details.

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Sale agreement:

Another document that sounds very similar to this one is known as an agreement of sale, and it outlines the terms and conditions that will apply to the sale when it takes place. At the time of the execution of the sale deed, this is also an important document that helps both buyers and sellers with the transaction. The buyer should make sure that a document outlining the terms of the sale is agreed upon by both the buyer and the seller before the transaction is finalised so that nobody can deviate from the terms of the agreement.

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Approved plan:

Obtain the building's approved plan from the relevant authorities so that the structure can be constructed according to it. In the plan, the government specifies the areas that will be used for commercial development, roads, and public utilities. The websites of various government agencies also contain this information. You need to go through the plan thoroughly to look for any inconsistencies. Check to see that the category that the property you want to buy falls under and that it is located in a part of the city that is zoned for the kind of use you intend to put it to.

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Conversion certificate:

There is an abundance of agricultural land in India. The vast majority of residential properties in today's market are developed on agricultural land, and this process typically involves obtaining permission from the appropriate authorities. As a result, a conversion certificate is required in order to construct a home on any agricultural land. You need to make certain that the conversion certificate has already been issued for the land that will be converted into a housing complex.

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Encumbrance Certificate:

An encumbrance certificate is a document that verifies a piece of property does not have any financial obligations attached to it. It indicates that if the property was purchased with a loan, the loan has been repaid, and ownership of the property has been transferred to the seller. This will ensure that the property will be easily transferred to your ownership once you have purchased it, and that the legal process will be smooth and uncomplicated. An encumbrance certificate will, in essence, provide you with all of the information that you need concerning the mortgages, title transfers, timez periods of ownership, and any other information that may be relevant to the property in question.

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Registration of sale deed:

When you have completed the purchase of a piece of real estate, it is imperative that you promptly register the property by making the required payment of stamp duty and the appropriate registration fee. Stamp duty is approximately equal to five percent of the total value of the property, and the registration fee is one percent of the total value . There is a possibility that you will also need to pay a surcharge and a cess. The actual charge might be different for different states. Before registering, you are kindly requested to inquire with the local registrar about the costs involved.

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Mother deed or Mother document:

Finally, a document that is commonly referred to as the mother deed details the history of the property from its inception. It details the ownership title from the very beginning, including how they evolved up until the present day and who the current owner of the property is. It is in your best interest to acquire this mother deed as it will be of assistance to you in the event that you decide to sell the property. In the event that you are unable to obtain the mother deed, you must ensure that you obtain certified copies from the office of the registrar.

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