What Is Equated Monthly Installment (EMI)?

Anbarasan Appavu

 The acronym "equated monthly instalment" (EMI) refers to a predetermined amount of money that must be paid back to a lender on the same day of each month by a borrower. It is possible to pay off a loan in its entirety in a predetermined amount of time by making equal payments toward both the interest and the principal of the loan on a monthly basis using equated monthly instalments. When it comes to the most common kinds of loans, like mortgages, auto loans, and student loans, the borrower is responsible for paying the lender predetermined amounts at predetermined intervals over the course of several years in order to pay off the loan.

Equated Monthly Installment (EMI)

A borrower will make a predetermined payment to a lender on the same day of each month in order to satisfy what is known as an equated monthly instalment (EMI).

• Monthly EMI payments are applied to both the interest and the principal balance of the loan. This ensures that the loan is paid off in its entirety within the allotted amount of time.

• EMIs can be computed using either the flat-rate method or the reducing-balance method. Both of these methods have their own  Pros and Cons (advantages and disadvantages).

• The EMI reducing-balance method is generally more advantageous for borrowers, as it results in lower interest payments overall. Because this method, reduces the outstanding balance during the tenure.

Having the ability to calculate exactly how much money they will need to pay each month toward their loan gives borrowers the peace of mind they need to make sound financial decisions.

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The Calculation Behind an Equated Monthly Installment (EMI)

Unlike variable payment plans, fixed payment plans require the borrower to pay the same amount each month regardless of how much they can afford. Borrowers who opt for EMI plans are typically restricted to making only one monthly payment of a fixed amount.

The borrower has the benefit of knowing exactly how much money they will need to pay toward their loan each month, which can make it simpler for them to create a personal budget. This is the primary advantage of an EMI. Lenders (or the investors to whom the loan is sold) stand to benefit from the fact that they can count on a consistent and predictable income stream from the interest on the loan.

Either the flat-rate method or the reducing-balance method, also known as the reduce-balance method, can be utilised in order to compute the EMI.

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Equated Monthly Installment (EMI) Formula

The formula for calculating the EMI flat rate begins with adding the principal loan amount to the interest that has been accrued on the principal, and then / (dividing) the total by the number of periods X (multiplied) by the number of months. The result is the EMI flat rate.

Calculating the EMI reducing-balance method requires using the following formula:

EMI = (P * [(r * (1 + r)^n)) / ((1 + r)^n - 1)])

where P represents the principal amount that was borrowed, r represents the periodic monthly interest rate, and n represents the total number of monthly payments.

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Examples of Equated Monthly Installment (EMI)

Let's walk through the process of calculating EMI using both approaches so that we can better understand how it operates. Let's say a person wants to buy a new house but first they need to get a mortgage. The interest rate for this loan is 3.5% per year for ten years, and the principal amount is $400,000.

When the EMI is calculated using the flat-rate method, the homeowner's monthly payments come out to $4,500. This is calculated as follows: ($400,000 + ($400,000 x 10 x 0.035)) / ($400,000). (10 x 12).

If you were to calculate your payments using the EMI reducing-balance method, your monthly payments would come to about $3,955, which is equal to $400,000 multiplied by [(0.0029 * (1 + 0.0029)120) / ((1 + 0.0029)120 - 1)].

It is important to keep in mind that the principal loan amount stays the same throughout the entirety of the 10-year mortgage period when calculating the EMI flat rate. This information suggests that the EMI reducing-balance method may be a better option because the diminishing loan principal also diminishes the amount of interest that is due. When using the flat-rate method, each interest charge is computed based on the initial loan amount, regardless of how much of the outstanding loan balance is paid off over the course of the loan's term.

Borrowers frequently find that the EMI reducing-balance method results in lower overall costs for themselves. When using a flat rate, the end result is an effective interest rate that is higher.

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Equated Monthly Installment (EMI) FAQs

What does the abbreviation EMI stand for?

EMI is an abbreviation that's used in the world of finance, and it stands for "equated monthly instalment." It is a term that refers to the regular payments that are made in order to pay off an outstanding loan within the allotted amount of time. The name of these payments gives away the fact that they are always the same amount.

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How exactly is EMI calculated?

Calculating EMI can be done using either the flat-rate method or the reducing-balance method (also referred to as the reduce-balance method). In their respective calculations, the principal amount of the loan, the interest rate on the loan, and the length of the loan are both taken into consideration.

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How is EMI deducted from credit card?

As soon as you make a purchase using a credit card that offers an EMI option (that is, doesn't demand payment in full each month), the total cost of the goods or service will immediately reduce the available credit limit on your card by the same amount. The interest-only payments (EMI) that are associated with credit cards then function similarly to home loans and personal loans: You make a payment that covers both the principal and the interest due on the loan each month, which brings the total amount of money you owe to zero over the course of the loan's repayment period. The reduce-balance method is the one that is used when EMI is deducted from a credit card.

Whether EMI is good or bad?

EMI is neither inherently good nor bad; however, if you consider borrowing money and accruing debt to be bad. Paying for things in full to be the only "good" option, then you might consider this situation. However, there are some advantages to using EMI rather than other borrowing options to consider. Borrowers find it easier to budget their funds and keep track of their outstanding obligations when the total debt is broken down into consistent monthly payments of the same fixed amount. They are aware of the amount that must be paid as well as the amount of time that will pass before their debt is completely paid off.

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