How to get a better price for your house in a real estate market that's been slowing down

Anbarasan Appavu

In spite of the depressed state of the real estate market, making a few simple improvements to your home might help you sell it for more money.

Better price for your house

The Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Bill, 2015 was approved by the Union Cabinet on Wednesday with amendments. These amendments were recommended by the Rajya Sabha Committee.

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The real estate market has been relatively stagnant over the past few years. There has not been any significant increase in demand for homes, despite the fact that prices have not moved. The decline in residential sales seen in major cities across the country can be attributed to a number of factors, including rising home prices, stagnant interest rates, and cautious buyer sentiment. Many developers have chosen not to launch any new projects as a response to the subdued sentiments expressed by end-users and investors. Instead, they are concentrating their efforts on reducing the existing inventory pile-up.

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According to data provided by Prop Equity, during the month of May, the inventory level in Mumbai was 37 months, while in the NCR's Gurgaon it was 50 months. This is just one example.

Inventory levels reached 32 months in Chennai, while in Bengaluru they reached 28 months on average. Although the real estate industry is currently dealing with a number of challenges, there are a number of strong fundamentals, such as favorable demographics, domestic savings, and continued urbanization, that will boost the demand for residential real estate in the coming years.

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Homeowners who intend to sell their properties on the secondary market have also been negatively impacted by sluggish demand for housing. Some individuals even whine that the amount of value they are receiving falls far short of their expectations. Even though there is not much that can be done to improve the current state of the market, there are a few things that can be done to make the property that is up for sale more marketable and to generate more value when it comes time to actually sell it.

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Looks matter

It is possible to increase the marketability of your home by ensuring that it is clean and well-maintained at all times. Even though it is an obvious requirement for obtaining a good sale price, many sellers disregard this facet of the transaction. Due to the fact that the property is going to be sold regardless, maintenance is treated as an afterthought, and they do not even perform the most fundamental repairs. In most cases, there is a reluctance to spend money on improving the property because of the widespread belief that doing so will result in a loss of capital. In point of fact, though, making enhancements to the property's attractiveness and usability will result in returns that could more than compensate for the expenditures.

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Create space

In rapidly deteriorating cities, it is no longer unusual to find homes that are cluttered with unnecessary items and furniture that has been abandoned on balconies or in other unused areas. Items that are no longer functional, such as broken chairs, coolers, and air conditioning units, among other things, have been stored away on balconies because they have not been thrown away. These things give the impression that there is not enough room.

Remove the clutter from your home and can follow feng shui to attract more energy in to the house. Take away anything that isn't being used or isn't needed. Offer your guests and the people who are staying in your home some breathing room. This will undoubtedly raise the value of your property, and prospective buyers may be persuaded to shell out additional funds in order to purchase their ideal home.

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Paint your home

Painting of a high-quality may be pricey, but it unquestionably improves the way the exterior of the property looks. Even before the potential buyer or real estate agent enters your home, it forms the first impression of your property. The first impression is frequently the one that stands as the deciding factor when it comes to important matters. Invest some money, put some thought into how you will paint your house, and you will see an increase in the asking price when you go to sell it.

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Remodel selectively

The living room, the kitchen, and the bathrooms should take precedence. To begin, it is not necessary to invest a significant amount of money in order to remodel your kitchen or bathroom. You just need to make a few changes, and everything will turn out fine. In the kitchen, for instance, a supplementary cabinet with internal lighting can impress prospective buyers. Similarly, extra-large mirrors and separate cubicle shower areas in the bathroom can do the same. Determine which of the kitchen's fittings and fixtures are prone to becoming dirty as a result of the smoke, steam, and heat. You should clean them, and if they can't be cleaned, you should replace them.

Make certain the functionality

In most cases, we are able to "adjust" to our living situation regardless of whether or not some of the faucets, switches, or drawers in our house are operational. Keep in mind, however, that potential buyers might find this unacceptable, and the price of your home will drop if any of these flaws are present in it. Make an investment in their repair so that the portion of your home that they affect is functional, just as you would want it to be if you were the buyer.

In conclusion, a word to those who are wise

Make sure that the house is in such good condition that the buyer could start living there immediately without having to spend any money on additional improvements.Follow best practices to sell the house. Invest time and energy into fostering positive relationships with both your immediate neighbors and the real estate agent representing you.

If you aren't exactly at the top of the popularity charts in your neighborhood, word-of-mouth can be a huge deal breaker, which means that these aspects often turn out to be unfavorable. while selling the house consider the house selling cost as well. Follow these simple steps, and you will notice an increase in the perceived value of your property among potential purchasers.  


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