Why homeowners should have home insurance

Anbarasan Appavu
Homeowners in India are hesitant to purchase home insurance due to the prevalence of numerous myths and misunderstandings surrounding the product.

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Homeowners home insurance

The field of insurance as a whole is complicated, and homeowner's insurance is no exception to this rule. Homeowners in India are hesitant to purchase home insurance due to the prevalence of numerous myths and misunderstandings surrounding the product.
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Over the course of the last few decades, we have witnessed the widespread destruction of homes. The powerful rocker was responsible for the destruction of thousands of buildings in a matter of seconds. Natural disasters can occur and strike at any time and in any location. As a result, it is imperative that we dispel the notion that misfortune is something that only happens to other people and not to us personally. It can take a long time — even a few decades — for us to accumulate enough of our hard-earned money in savings to purchase a house where we can make meaningful memories with our loved ones. Why not safeguard that abode by purchasing insurance that protects it against natural disasters?

There are a number of misconceptions that circulate concerning homeowner's insurance, and as a result, some property owners do not obtain adequate protection for their homes. In the following paragraphs, we will examine a few of these misconceptions and make an effort to debunk them.

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Homeowner's insurance for natural disaster

It is a common misconception that homeowner's insurance does not cover damage caused by natural disasters. This is not the case at all after buying home insurance. The first section of coverage for most homeowner's insurance policies typically includes protection against hazards such as fire and flooding. This section is almost always required in the plans that are being considered. Before purchasing an insurance plan, one must first carefully read the policy document in order to gain an understanding of the protections provided by the plan.

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This is due to the fact that each insurance product has the potential to be unique from the others. For instance, the seepage of water through the walls as a result of heavy rains might not be covered by one insurance policy, but the exact same thing might be covered by another policy. Examine the various plans that are available and select the one that caters most closely to your specific requirements.

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The process of claim settlement is quite complicated

How difficult is it to settle claims for homeowner's insurance? If one is aware of how to submit a claim, then the process is very simple. In the event that there is damage to the property, the insured homeowner is required to notify the insurer insurance company as soon as possible about the damages caused to the home. This notification can be made to the company's local office or to the call center of the company. After the insured has completed all of the necessary paperwork and filed a claim, the insurance company will dispatch an agent to investigate the losses that have been incurred. 

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After that, the report from the agent is handed over to the insurer, and the information contained within the report is taken into consideration when determining the amount of the claim. Additionally, in order to validate the claim, the insurer might request some documentation from the insured party. The process of claim settlement is considered finished once the documentation has been finalized.

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In addition, the development of new technologies has been of great assistance to the insurance industry. A significant number of insurance companies now keep the policy documents in an electronic format (insurance software). In the event that the insured person were to misplace their insurance policy documents in the event of a disaster, this would be useful for keeping track of policy details. In most cases, the only question that insurers ask in a scenario like this one is the year in which the policy was initially issued for the purpose of the claim settlement.

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Low premium means low insurance coverage

There are numerous approaches one can take to cut down on insurance premium costs. When the insurance company hears that you have voluntarily installed safety devices like a fire alarm or burglar alarm, they will be more likely to offer you a discount on your monthly premium. In addition, it is possible to lower premium costs even further by comparing the many different insurance products available on the market and selecting the one that provides the greatest value. You can cut the cost of your premiums even further by raising your deductible, which is the portion of the losses that you are responsible for paying for out of your own pocket. Do not make the mistake of purchasing add-ons that are not essential in your country. A terrorism cover might not be necessary for you, for instance, if you live in a relatively quiet part of the country.

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You need to be a homeowner

An insured person does not necessarily need to own a house in order to be eligible to purchase a home insurance policy. In point of fact, a tenant has the option of purchasing home insurance to cover the contents of his residence. If the tenant moves to a new location, they are able to petition the insurance company to have their new address reflected in the policy. In a similar fashion, a homeowner who rents out their property can protect the structure of their investment by purchasing an insurance policy.

Theft through burglary is not included

Not only are damages caused by natural disasters covered by homeowner's insurance policies, but most policies also cover any damages caused by theft or even an unsuccessful attempt to break into the home. The contents of your home, including precious items like jewellery or important documents and semi-precious items like electronics, are all eligible to be insured under a homeowner's policy. However, keep in mind that you should only insure the truly valuable items in your home in order to keep your premium costs under control.

Reading the policy document thoroughly is of the utmost significance because the terms, conditions, and coverage of various policies can vary greatly from one another. A person should also be aware of the dangers that are and are not covered by an insurance policy before purchasing one. These days, purchasing home insurance plans is as simple as the wind blowing in the trees thanks to online options, which allow for easy comparisons between various plans and payments without any additional hassle.

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